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ul. Zygmunta Starego 17, Gliwice ,

English version

Abstract of the project:
Taking part in the project will be the partners of the Gliwice County (Poland) and the Calw County (Germany). The projects goal is to show the level of influence in cooperation with the schools local partners and the educational effects as well as the upbringing achieved by pupils in special schools, which will help preventing too early education end. Participants will exchange the good practices which will help to spread the value of life-long learning and raising its quality and also help to put to life innovative solutions in educational systems in both regions. One of the target groups in the project are the teachers in special schools in which motivating students and enrichment of the learning process will lead to better participation of pupils and their parents, mainly concerning the special educational needs of the dedicated groups in the didactical process. Through the interregional exchange propagation of respect and tolerance for other nations and cultures and development of key competence involving learning of foreign languages will come to be.

Objectives of the partnership:
The main goal of the project is to improve the educational and pedagogical schools participating in the project by working more closely with local partners and implementation of best practices observed during the Polish - German exchange. The project will contribute to the development of active cooperation.
The project partners based on their experience identify best practices in the creation and implementation of tools, methods and ways to improve the visual quality of school education. We will focus on cooperation between various local actors contribute to the improvement of educational schools and creating and implementing climate friendly to the idea of learning throughout life. Social partners, representing the cultural institution (in Gliwice County) and parents’ association (in Calw County)the Karl-Georg-Haldenwang-School with her booster-club an the corporate prime schools play important role in this part.
Read through and compare the education systems in partner countries, ways of enriching educational schools and educational partners will develop the best methods and practices to motivate students to continue learning and promote their creativity, raising competitiveness, and increasing opportunities for employment and business development. Important issues will be issues related to the awakening of awareness on the relationship between the qualities of education and gaining work.
An important aspect of this project is to build positive relationships with parents and solving problems in establishing contacts with the target group and awareness of the representatives of this group the risks associated with early school leaving. Especially in the Gliwice County, where many students come from families at risk of exclusion or socially excluded, contact with careers of children is very difficult. The German partners will share their best practices in this field.
An important part of the project for the management of schools and for Gliwice County's staff will be a comparison of the management school. This will allow improving and introducing good practices tested by partners in the future. The project partners from the Polish and German share their experiences in taking the cooperation and involvement of representatives of school employees in order to approximate the process of educating youth to the world of work.
The value of the project will be a better understanding of culture and heritage of the partner countries in local communities where the project will be implemented. Meetings and exchange of experiences will also break stereotypes lingering on in local communities and build positive relationships between the cooperating regions. By participating in the project, teachers and staff of partner institutions, students and parents also indirectly, will build their awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe, and the need to combat racism, prejudice and xenophobia.
Given the choice of language for both partners as the language of the draft, none of the partners will feel "aggrieved" and, moreover, this approach will contribute to awareness of the need to learn foreign languages.

Leader of the Project
Gliwice County
The Gliwice Count leads the upper secondary schools, special schools at every level and the psychological-pedagogical clinics. In secondary schools is carried out at the level of general education in high schools and vocational schools in the techniques and basic vocational schools. Secondary school graduates attend secondary school. Cycle training in high school is 3 years, four years in the technical college, and in basic vocational schools from 2 to 3 years depending on the profession.
In the Gliwice County there are two Special Education School Complexes in Knurów and in Pyskowice, which include special primary schools, Special Secondary School, and Special Schools' Preparation for Employment. To special school may attend students who have a decision to special education or who have decision for rehabilitation and educational activities for children with profound disabilities issued by a public psychological and educational clinic. Gliwice County is the organizer and the leader of the partnership at the regional level, will coordinate the project, will be co-projects carried out locally by the partners from this area, and Gliwice County. The person responsible for carrying out the project on behalf of the county will carry out systematical monitoring of the project and will present its findings to partners and the Board of the County. This person will also draw up the appropriate accounts and the reports of the project. Gliwice County organizes a system of communication between partners.

Partners of the project
The Complex of Special Schools
The Complex of Special Schools consists of the Special Primary School, Gymnasium and Special Schools preparing for employment. Complex of Special Schools serves as didactic-educational, therapeutic for pupils slightly, moderate, substantially and deep mentally handicapped.
School implements the goals and tasks on the basis of legislation and the needs of pupils and society. School provides educational assistance to pupils, revalidation, correctional and therapeutic assistance. School cooperates with local authorities and organizations in order to enrich the educational and pedagogical offer. School supports students who are in a difficult family situations in collaboration with the institutions set up to assist institutions. Parents participate in achieving the objectives.
School will be a partner in the project to local institutions: the Municipal Center of Culture and Sport in Pyskowice and Gliwice County and German partners. School will co-exchange experiences and good practices, co-organise training, seminars and workshops and mobility of teachers involved in the project. School will promote the project at a local, national international level. School will gather and process the materials developed during the joint meetings, and also occurred in the evaluation of the project through publications. School will be co-organizing an international conference with local partners in Poland and neighboring countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine. Our role is to ensure the exchange of information, experience knowledge with all partners participating in the project by using modern information technologies.

Municipal Center of Culture and Sport
Municipal Center of Culture and Sport is a cultural institution. The purpose of Municipal Center of Culture and Sport is to meet the cultural needs of the local environment, promoting culture, the organization of free time for children and young people. Promotion of the town based on interesting ideas and artistic activities to promote indigenous artists. Support the development of children from large families with low socio-economic status, with risk of addiction.
Municipal Center of Culture and Sport will act as a partner in this project. Will be responsible for co-organizer of an international conference, sharing the premises. Municipal Center of Culture and Sport will engage in the activities of other partners, in particular the Special Schools Complex in Pyskowice, and in the promotion of the project. Municipal Center of Culture and Sport's employees will take part in partnership trips.

Calw County
Calw County administrates the Karl-Georg-Haldenwang-School, a school for handicapped pupils. It is the only school for handicapped in the county. Calw county and is also responsible for the supply of the handicapped people in the county. That comprehends supply in job-integration and the integration in the community. Calw County provides handicapped people without income and capital. Calw County has a great interest in a good education and in the encouragement of the handicapped pupils. They shall learn an autonomous live.
Calw County is the organizer and the leader of the partnership on regional level and holds the contact to Gliwice County in Poland. We promote the project and will persuade other schools and organizations in the sectors “Sports”, “Music” and “Youth” in the County to take part of the partnership between Calw and Gliwice.

The complex of Karl-Georg-Haldenwang-School consist of a Kindergarten, a special primary school, al special secondary school and a professional school. All the pupils are substantially and deep mentally handicapped. The school cooperates with two other primary schools; in this cooperation are children without and with a handicap co-educated. The school also cooperates with local authorities and organizations to find jobs for their graduates. The pupils are also educated in living alone without their parents. Therefore the school hired a locality. The school also supports parents who are in a difficult situation with their children.
The school will be a partner in the project. The school is interested in a narrow partnership to Gliwice county and the participating school. The school wants to learn from the experiences of the other school in terms of “best practice”. On the other side shall the schools in Gliwice County shall take part of the German experiences.

Förderverein der Karl-Georg-Haldenwang-Schule/ Booster Club
The booster club of the Karl-Georg-Haldenwang-School is an institution, established from parents of the pupils to improve the school’s reputation in the public, to collect money for particular circumstances. The school and the pupils have a benefit of the club.
The booster club will act as a partner in this project. The club takes part on the promotion of the project and will support the Karl-Georg-Haldenwang-School in the partnership. The very important role would be experiences exchange with Polish partners on the supporting the educational role of the school and building its identity in local society.

Development and Promotion Department
Gliwice County
tel. 32 332 66 10
e-mail: wrp@starostwo.gliwice.pl

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